Interactive Design (Worlds most useful fedora)

Interactive design

is all about creating a product that supports users lives and in someway improves it because after all that that is the point in technology right ? While creating a quality experience for the user by taking into account all the different factors that make up a users experience

In our group consisting of Oliver findlay, James, and Me

We dream t up the most fabulous design for a Fedora which ordinarily is a plain old hat for hipsters and old time mobsters, but what we have done is on the same level as Google glass we took an ordinary piece of technology and turned it into a functional modern piece of brilliance that will leave you wondering why noone has already done this, well lucky for you we have gone ahead and done it for you so without further ado feast your eyes upon this magnificent piece of essential equipment

The fedora V.2 this fedora comes with the latest technology it has the ability to receive wifi signals from the fedora satellite and broadcast them to you smartphone, it also includes air vents in the top of the hat to allow air too cool the top of your head it also includes a neck beard to enhance your social status and eliminate problems related to not having a neck beard such as a cold neck, lack of female attention due to having no neck beard


This fedora was designed to eliminate many user issues people have with regular hats and is designed for usability with its air vents and wifi also with its neck beard it can enhance the users social status which attracts friends.


The story board explained and affordances for this device  Picture 1 (far left) this starts of a regular fedora nothing modified it is just a hat you put on your head and it protects you from the sun. Picture 2. There is a wifi router built in to the top of the fedora so it sits out of the way of the users head, which provides free internet to the user which is useful because often when people are on the go they need to access the internet for important information they simply press connect on their phone or device and then push the button on the fedoras airel and then they connect it is made simple because not every one knows how to set this up normally and this way it is simple and easy to use. there is also a built in ring of solar panels where the band of the hat so that the user doesnt need to worry about charging the router because these recharge it as the user goes about their day and this is one less thing they have to remember to do in their busy days. in Pic 3 air vents are added to help keep the user cool and focused on their tasks without having to think about it. In the final pic 4 the neckbeard is added this is a good feature because not everyone can grow a neckbeard and they can just take it on or off as they please without taking days or months to grow it naturally


Affordances, there a two types of affordances one is virtual which are the virtual interfaces knowing how to use the functions of the device like using screen icons or a button on the screen, the other is the physical affordances this is the physical aspects of the object and it should make it more functional and easy to use to give the user a better experience with the device. any and every device has affordances from the steering wheel of your car or your smart phone, they are all there to make the end users experience better.


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